by T-Cube for chewbakka
Why I Still Wet my Bed
Now I’m not so naive to think you’ll sit through ALL my links at once (especially if your ears can’t decipher Russo but who needs dialogue in ToonLand?) but if you have a nice rocket-like banana spliff or a 12-gallon bottle of sweet Eastern-egg liqueur and if you drop the curtains and you undress and you let yourself, just fly, baby, fly… anything can happen to your sexy brain over HERE.
(Владислав Старевич)
Pre-Apocalyptic insect idyll and the first in the series. Don’t even question the origin of Dragonfly’s species!
Межпланетная революция/Interplanetary Revolution, 1924
(Юрий Меркулов, Зенон Комиссаренко, Николай Ходатaев)
Agressive Sci-Fi Commie propaganda on acid, just as I like! My band Won James Won made a soundtrack for that one. Just as these guys did: Silence Kit. We shall YouTube it I guess. Oh fuck thanx good people — here it is with our «music»
Новый Гулливер/The New Gulliver, 1935
(Александр Птушко)
an excerpt
Legendary stuff like an animation industry sputnik.
Жил-был Козявин/There Lived Kozyavin, 1966
(Андрей Хржановский)
The perpetual crusade of a bureaucrat.
Гора динозавров/The Dinosaur Mountain, 1967
(Раса Страутмане)
Some ex-kids I know start shaking when I show it on my i-POD.
Бегемот/The Hippo, 1968
(Анатолий Петров)
Based on a real story.
Рассеянный Джованни/Inattentive Giovanni, 1969
(Анатолий Петров)
Gianni Rodari’s idea of upbringing a child is rather questionable.
Шкаф/The Wardrobe, 1971
(Андрей Хржановский)
Pure metaphysical bliss!
Бабочка/Butterfly, 1972
(Андрей Хржановский)
Nabokov’s favorite.
Не про тебя ли этот фильм?/Could this film be about you?, 1973
(Валерий Угаров)
Yes, it’s about YOU!
Чудо/The Miracle, 1973
(Анатолий Петров)
Загадочная планета/Mysterious Planet, 1974
(Борис Ардов)
Shit, I felt real sorry about this emo-dragon!
И мама меня простит/And Mom Will Forgive me, 1975
(Анатолий Петров)
Heartbreaking tale of boyz to man transition and all.
Шкатулка с секретом/Box With a Secret, 1976
(Валерий Угаров)
Oh yeah, someone knew his blue meanies well!
Дом, который построил Джек/The House That Jack Built, 1976
(Андрей Хржановский)
Monty Python’s owned and woned.
Полигон/The Polygon, 1977
(Анатолий Петров)
I really hope The Blue Oyster Bar music will bring some sweet memories to you!
Контакт/The Contact, 1978
(Владимир Тарасов)
John Lennon lookalike enjoys hippy multysexual alien encounter. Note Rota’s music from «Godfather». I was one of those USSR kids who heard it before I could see the movie so it’s still tied to this crazyass p-delic toon.
Ограбление по…/ Robbery Done………..Style, 1978
(Ефим Гамбург)
Wild crimes commited by worldwide movie stars. Sweet shit!
Чудеса в решете/Spooky Wonders, 1978
(Андрей Хржановский)
Old England kid poetry.
Тир/Shooting Range, 1979
(Владимир Тарасов)
Megabiting satire of USA gun-madness!
Очень синяя борода/A Very Blue Beard, 1979
(Владимир Самсонов)
Don Juan with delirious singing.
Приключения капитана Врунгеля/The Adventures of Captain Vrungel, 1979
(Давид Черкасский)
Postmodern musical mayhem in 13 episodes. Here’s my favorite one!
Космические пришельцы/Space Visitors 1, 1981
(Алексей Солоьвев)
1) Human creatures can’t draw this way
2) If women look like this in the future there will be no sex. Only science.
Алиса в зазеркалье/Through the Looking-Glass, 1981
(Ефрем Пружанский)
Lewis Carroll in warm Russian hands!
Тайна третьей планеты/The Mystery of the Third Planet, 1981
(Роман Качанов)
All-time Soviet sci-fi superhit! Ground-fucking-breaking electronic sound effects und melodies!
Пластилиновая Ворона/Plastic She-Crow, 1981
(Александр Татарский)
Spazzcore fest in Toonland.
Путешествие муравья/Travels of an Ant, 1981
(Эдуард Назаров)
Even all-family fun can be pretty Lynchianesque.
Жил-был пес/Once There Was a Dog, 1982
(Эдуард Назаров)
Drink moderately or you be a demon fast.
Ух ты, говорящая рыба!/Oh, my — a talking fish!, 1983
(Роберт Саакянц)
That’s why Thom York is afraid of «weird fishes».
Падал прошлогодний снег/The Yesteryear’s Snow Was Falling, 1983
(Александр Татарский)
Winter special fairy-tail marathon.
Встреча/The Meeting, 1984
(Михаил Титов)
Anti-drunkard agitation disquised as a homoerotic alien fantasy.
Будет ласковый дождь/There Will Come Soft Rains…, 1984
(Сергей Алибеков)
Ray Bradbury’s «Martian Chronicles» story Gerald Scarfe style. Crushingly dismal!
Королевский бутерброд/The King’s Sandwich, 1985
(Андрей Хржановский)
Bunuel vs Pierre Choderlos de Laclos.
Брэк!/Break!, 1985
(Гарри Бардин)
Bardin goes kickass Švankmajer!
Контракт/The Contract, 1985
(Владимир Тарасов)
Based on Robert Silverberg’s 1959 short story «Company Store». Good LSD was popular in USSR too, you know.
Из дневников Йона Тихого: Путешествие на Энтеропию/From the Memoirs of Ijon Tichy: Trip to Enteropia, 1986
(Геннадий Тищенко)
Another gem based on Stanisław Lem’s timeless saga of Ijon Tichy. So badly drawn it’s totally awesome!
Сражение/The Battle, 1986
(Михаил Титов)
Cool nu-rave 8-bit action based on Stephen King’s short story «Battleground».
Банкет/The Banquet, 1986
(Гарри Бардин)
Grim anti-alcohol propaganda again. That’s how we Russkys celebrate salary, folks!
Перевал/Crossing, 1988
(Владимир Тарасов)
More epic and pathetic than Aranofski’s «The Fountain», mind you. But way too cooler.
32 декабря/The 32nd of December, 1988
(Владимир Самсонов)
That’s my woman’s favourite. Emotions peaking on New Year with fandango feline mood prevailing.
Медвежуть/Bear-horror, 1988
(Василий Кафанов, Алексей Шелманов, Алексей Туркус)
Nothing like Medvedev’s dreams. He sees Putin’s iron fists in his sleep.
Здесь могут водиться тигры/Here There Be Tigers, 1989
(Владимир Самсонов)
Yet another Bradbury story.
Вампиры Геоны/Vampires of Geona, 1991
(Геннадий Тищенко)
Real b-movie horror trashy fun!
Bolero, 1992
(Иван Максимов)
Slow Zen Perfection.
Хозяева Геоны/The Masters of Geona, 1992
(Геннадий Тищенко)
Includes the hilariously accented cameo by Sly and Arny! Seriously, you must see it to believe it!
Провинциальная школа/Provincial School, 1992
(Иван Максимов)
Moscow schoolls are straighter.
Клиника/The Clinic, 1993
(Александр Бубнов)
Creepy as hell take on Soviet health care and Gogol’s «Viy»
Капитан Пронин в Америке/Captain Pronin in America, 1993
(Розалия Зельма, Михаил Зайцев)
Now Uwe Ball can eat his balls — THIS is real trash! Our answer to Police Academy 7: Mission to Moscow.
9½ Minutes, 1993
(Сергей Кушнеров)
Now get ready for SEXING! The quality is atrocious but this freaky bomb is extremely obscure.
Амба/Amba 1/2, 1994
(Геннадий Тищенко)
Note the threatening number of phallic objects!