Stick Boy liked Match Girl,
He liked her a lot.
He liked her cute figure,
he thought she was hot.
But could a flame ever burn
for a match and a stick?
It did quite literally;
he burned up quick.
Her skin is white cloth,
and she’s all sewn apart
and she has many colored pins
sticking out of her heart.
She has many different zombies
who are deeply in her trance.
She even has a zombie
who was originally from France.
But she knows she has a curse on her,
a curse she cannot win.
For if someone gets
too close to her,
the pins stick farther in.
The Boy with Nails in his Eyes
put up his aluminium tree.
It looked pretty strange
because he couldn’t really see.
Unwisely, Santa offered a teddy bear to James, unaware that
he had been mauled by a grizzly earlier that year
Brie Boy had a dream he had only had twice,
that his full, round head was only a slice.
The other children never let Brie Boy play …
… but at least he went well with a nice Chardonnay.
There once was a morose melonhead,
who sat there all day
and wished he were dead.
But you should be careful
about the things that you wish.
Because the last thing he heard
was a deafening squish.
«My name is Jimmy,
but my friends just call me
‘the hideous penguin boy'»
Life isn’t easy
for the Pin Cushion Queen.
When she sits alone on her throne
Pins push through her spleen.
Stick Boy noticed that his Christmas tree looked healthier
than he did.
«Tim Burtons: The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories»
Images and Text © Tim Burton 2002
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